For example, in the Dedede resort world, there's a level where you're being chased by an ice dragon and another where you have to go through an abandoned pirate ship. While there are only four worlds (five if you count the final boss's stage) each level has its own uniqpe gimmick so the gameplay never gets old. The graphics are really nice to look at and the music is some of the best the series has had. It's easy to guide all your kirbys to where you want them to be and only very occasionally (usually in the levels with water) will any get left behind. The control is actually a lot better than I thought it'd be. Some items and levels can only be accessed if you have a certain number of kirbies so collecting fruit and getting your army of pink puffballs to 10 is always the first priority in a world. You begin each world as one kirby and have to gather fruit to create more. An evil magician shows up and splits Kirby into 10. In my opinion this is one of the best Kirby games since SuperStar. I nearly made that mistake but decided to buy it and I'm really glad I did. I nearly made that mistake but Kirby fans, don't overlook this game because of Return to Dreamland or because you don't like the concept.
Kirby fans, don't overlook this game because of Return to Dreamland or because you don't like the concept.